Gary Jumps Off London Eye

Wow, what a stunt.. Or not really? Garry Connery jumped from the top of the London Eye today, a height of about 440ft.
The movie stunt, 37 opened his parachute just moments after stepping off the giant wheel. He managed to land safely 16 seconds later! Hooray for him!

He sneaked on to the Eye and climbed up the maintenance stairs as it was being cleaned.
The dad of two, from Maidenhead, Berks, has already jumped from the Eiffel Tower.

Gary said: “I was petrified, but the thrill makes it worth it.”

I wouldn't jump if someone paid me! You'd have to either be an expert like him or a bit insane.. and I'm neither of those.. I think.


Michael Douglas Escapes from a Mysterious Accident

Michael Douglas Celebrity Picture

Michael Douglas almost lost his balance while in a cherry picker basket lifted up 25 feet in the air to christem a new art museum in Bermuda. You never know what the 2008 horoscope might predict for him!

"I had a good laugh and stumbled. I had a little moment," he told The Royal Gazette newspaper.

"It will be a wonderful asset for the island," said Douglas, who owns a home in the British Atlantic territory with his actress wife

Good to know he didn't hurt himself Would have been a great loss otherwise as at 62 years old, he won an Oscar for his role in 1987's "Wall Street". Also starred in films of renown such as "Fatal Attraction", "Traffic" and "Wonder Boys," and other.

From Nowhere to #2

No, I'm not refering to a town. If you remember Chris Daughtry from American Idol, you may remember that he finished fourth the past season. However, his new album debuted at #2 on the US album charts! Unexpected or what?

He sold a whopping 304,000 copies in his first week. Jay-Z's record however won the first place, with his record "Kingdom Come" which sold in 680,000 exemplaries!

Cameron Diaz at the Premiere of 'The Holiday'

Thanks to Splash for the pictures

Nicole Kidman - Hollywood's Highest Paid Actress

The Hollywood Reporter says that Nicole Kidman receives as much as $17 million per movie in their fifth annual survey. This puts her at the top, making her the highest paid actress. Runner up Reese Witherspoon gets about $15 million and other actors in the top five include:
              • Renee Zellweger
              • Drew Barrymore
              • Cameron Diaz
On another note, for you that don't know this yet, Beverly Hills Cop, Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) is to return in Beverly Hills Cop 4! No, it's not cancelled, but it's in progress!

Britney Spears wants you to See Her!

Okay, I can say that I understand if it slips once, but now her vagina is in the headlines for the Has the divorce really shocked her this much? All the pictures are NSFW so if I were you, I'd wait to get somewhere private before opening them.

Lots of here.. don't even have to open them if you don't want.

Kid Rock Accuses Pamela of Being a Partyholic

Pages Six of the NYP reports that the real reason behind the divorce was that Bob Richie, (Kid's real name) was tired of staying home with the kids while Pamela was out partying. The marriage ended just after 4 months.

"Bob rearranged his life for Pamela,' a source reports. 'He moved from Detroit - something he said he would never do - and moved his son to L.A. to be with her.' But once Rock was in L.A., he found himself a single father to not only his son, Robert James Richie Jr., but to Anderson's two kids, Brandon and Dylan, as well.' Pamela would go out almost every night and end up at [photographer] David LaChapelle's studio,' Rock's close friend says. 'Bob was home alone with the three kids."

These allegations are confirmed by Pamela on "Tonight's Show with Jay Leno"

"When I go to Hollywood, I start at the Chateau Marmont and then I usually end up naked in David LaChapelle's studio taking crazy pictures. That's usually a night for me. Four or five in the morning, lying across a car in David's studio."

So who's to blame? Poor Pamela or poor Bob Richie?

Did Kevin Federline Have an Affair With a Porn Star?

Kevin Federline reportedly was having an affair with a former porn star a full month before Spears filed for divorce in November.

Reports say that Federline met Kendra Jade, the former porn star in Last Vegas in December 2005. This all happened while he was still married to Britney and they stayed in touch since then.

“Kev and Kendra had sex at their friends’ apartment multiple times, starting in early October,” a source told the tab. “Their friend would phone Kendra and a few other girls to come hang out, and it would always end up with Kevin and Kendra heading off to the spare bedroom!”

Pff.. who would want to have sex with K-Fed? Have you seen him lately? {pic}..

Bored Borat...

Borat spotted at the Los Angeles Airport yesterday waiting for his bags.

I wonder what he's thinking of.. unhappy that his movie "may" have caused Kid's and Pam's divorce? Or contemplating what he is going to do with "Borat" money whose ticket sales just crossed $100 million mark in the US.

JoJo an Alcoholic?

Fifteen-year old singer, JoJo is defending her visit to Hollywood Hyde, claiming that the visit was totally innocent. She was spotted by some paparazzi back in October.

She claims:

"I didn't know it was 21 and over," she told PEOPLE at the American Music Awards in Los Angeles. "It's a freakin' restaurant and I was there with my mom and two other underage friends. I had milk and cookies! I wasn't drinking alcohol."

And even though she says her evening at Hyde "was great," don't expect to see her hitting the nightclub circuit any time soon. "It's not really my thing. I just dipped my toes (in the scene)."

Pam and Kid - split

Hokay, what they both tried to prove is the following:

That this is not about kids, or money, or houses, or anything else you might think of right now, but it's about image! FAME!

The race was on, Kid's managed to stamp his divorce documents at 8:35 AM, five minutes before the clerk's office even opened for business. Pam however was the second to do it, 53 minutes later. Therefore, this shows us how much they care about image - that they tried to tell the public that one left the other first.

Reasons for this sudden divorce? Some blame BORAT! Yeah, apparently Kid didn't agree with her participating in the film and it caused some tension between them.


Tracy Morgan Arrested for Drunk Driving

Tracey celebrity picture
The "30 Rock" star, Trazy Morgan was arrested for drunk driving early this morning in New York.

The poice representatives told TMZ that the comedian was stop at 4:38 AM in the Bronx after cops noticed he was driving erratically. According to the police report, Morgan "was unable to maintain a position in a lane of traffic."

He was then escorted to the 33rd Precinct and charged with Driving While Intoxicated.

Morgan was taken to the 33rd Precinct and charged with Driving While Intoxicated.

Because this is Morgan's second arrest, and as he was on probation, it could constitute a violation of Morgan's probation and therefore he could face time in jail.

Katie's Dad Approves of Her Wedding with Tom

Martin, after giving Katie a scolding finally puts forward his agreement about the wedding and thinks "Tom is the right guy". The reason why her dad was upset on Tom in the first place is that “Tom had promised her parents that they would do the right thing and get married before any baby came along.” - a close friend said. Comments like “You’re no good.” were followed.

However, now, after the wedding, Martin is happy with the couple.

"Tom expressed his love in many different ways - obviously he wanted the whole world to know how much he loved Katie," Holmes Sr. said. "I like that. I respect men who are not afraid to show their true feelings. I respect Tom for the commitment he had made to provide happiness and love to Katie." The proud father also said he was pleased to be entrusting his "little girl" to "the right guy."

Some Scarlett Johansson Pics



K-Fed made the above statement while playing at the House Of Blues. West Hollywood, California.

The 28-year old has been vituperated by the press lately, after the divorce and was portrayed as " gold-digging freeloader, capitalising on his wife's success and wealth."

After lashing out at his detractors - shouting from the stage, "F**k the haters, f**k the media, f**k the paparazzi," K-Fed, adapted lyrics to one of his songs; when a member of his entourage asked onstage, "Why does America hate you?" he replied, "Maybe because I took their Queen. I am America's most hated."

First of all, since when does America have a queen? The fact that she was a popular singer does not qualify as a royalty. Kevin.. you applied for a real job yet?


Britney in Action + Hannah Montana!

Some Paparazzi caught Britney's shaved coochie on camera yesterday evening. Let's face it, it's not something you'd see every Sunday Evening. See Hannah Montana in last paragraph.

Come on Britney, are panties not chic enough for you? Or just putting in practice what you learnt from Paris the other day? I'll let the rest of you express your views...

Hannah Montana photos, now that's my girl! She stars in the Disney TV show Hannah Montana as Miley Cyrus wooohoo. Nothing like Britney! The actual Miley Cyrus fansite is here under Hannah Montana

More Paris and Britney Play

Britney definitely looks a bit pissed off after being caught by the paparazzi at her "well planned" outing with Paris.
Another one of Britney's thought through plans of showing the media how well life is treating her, right after she broke up with Federline.
How long will this "publicity" friendship between Paris and Britney last, I wonder. Until then, more fame for Britney and Ms. Hilton it seems.

Here we have some pictures from splash.

Feel free to leave your comments!

Nelly's not a Playboy Girl

No chance of Nelly Furtado appearing in the pages of Playboy magazine - not even fully clothed. She was offered half a million dollars just to pose fully clothed in the magazine but she wasn't impressed.

She told MTV: "I was offered half a million dollars to pose fully clothed.

"To do it would be a vanity thing, an egotistical thing.

"It's not to say that I would never do it. It's intriguing, it's very tempting.

"It's got to be under the right terms. We will see what happens."

Don't loose your hopes, we might be seeing her amongst the magazine's pages sometime in the future.. just not the near future.


Some Alex Best


"Prison Break" -- Returns in January

A press release confirmed on 21/11 that the final episode will air on Monday, November 27. It will then take a break until January the 22nd because of Christmas, New Year, and the holiday season!
On January 22 there will be a two hour recap show to remind you of what's happened so far and the first of nine final episodes will be aired on January 29th, ending on March 26th.
Okay, this is good, but what will they air from April 2 on? Reruns or will "Lost" be on again? Starting to look more dangerous all the time.


Highway of Death

How crazy...

Britney Spears - the second Paris Hilton?

Britney celebrity picture

I just learnt that Britney showed up at Teddy's last night accompanied by Paris Hilton. So what's wrong in that you may question? Well she appears to have copied Paris Hilton's dressing style. That's right, the prostitute dressing style .

And remember when she was actually looking hot once again after the divorce? She bluffed it again. Next we'll expect her to be pregnant with who knows who.


After divorce:
Hollywood money Now with Paris:
Hollywood celebrities picture

Kate to Launch Her Own Beauty Range

"On top of knocking up togs for Topshop, the supermodel is set to launch a line of make-up and skin goodies." according to The Mirror.

After her fall from grace, last year, when she was caught taking drugs, it looks like she is going to move on and is apparently keen to be "known for more...than having a druggie boyfriend".

The word goes that she will be working for Rimmel, which has seen sales soar since she started appearing the ads.

Ok, ok now. Here's your second chance. Don't blow it again!

Celebrity Memorabilia to be Auctioned "2 Beat Aids"

Just found out about this today so thought I'd let you know guys.

There's a new set of ebay auctions coming up on 1 December where lots of entertainment celebrity signed stuff will be put up for auction. The profits will be going to LIFEBEAT (official website), the music industry's AIDS charity.
Last year's inaugural auction raised $75,000 to support AIDS/HIV programs nationwide.

The auction will feature memorabilia from Jessica Simpson, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Madonna, Elton John (the hat seen in the picture) and many others!

Live update of ebay items

Lohan sends her condolences to Altman's family

Lindsay Lohan released a statement Tuesday regarding her condolences to Altma's family:

"I would like to send my condolences out to Catherine Altman, Robert Altmans wife, as well as all of his immediate family, close friends, co-workers, and all of his inner circle.

"I feel as if I've just had the wind knocked out of me and my heart aches.

"If not only my heart but the heart of Mr. Altman's wife and family and many fellow actors/artists that admire him for his work and love him for making people laugh whenever and however he could..

"Robert altman made dreams possible for many independent aspiring filmmakers, as well as creating roles for countless actors.

"I am lucky enough to of been able to work with Robert Altman amongst the other greats on a film that I can genuinely say created a turning point in my career.

"I learned so much from Altman and he was the closest thing to my father and grandfather that I really do believe I've had in several years.

"The point is, he made a difference.

"He left us with a legend that all of us have the ability to do.

"So every day when you wake up.

"Look in the mirror and thank god for every second you have and cherish all moments.

"The fighting, the anger, the drama is tedious.

"Please just take each moment day by day and consider yourself lucky to breathe and feel at all and smile. Be thankful.

"Life comes once, doesn't 'keep coming back' and we all take such advantage of what we have.

"When we shouldn't..... '

"Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of yourselves' (12st book) -everytime there's a triumph in the world a million souls hafta be trampled on.-altman Its true. But treasure each triumph as they come.

"If I can do anything for those who are in a very hard time right now, as I'm one of them with hearing this news, please take advantage of the fact that I'm just a phone call away.

God Bless, peace and love always.

Brad Pitt on his Yamaha

Threesome Britney

According to the latest gossip, K-Fed is to claim that Britney is actually Bi-sexual. One of his motivation for these claims has to do with the custody of their two children, Sean Preston, one, and two-month-old Jayden James.

The Sun also mentions that:
“She has asked Kevin many times if they could have a threesome.” - coming from an insider who also states:
  • “Britney has told him more than once she is sexually attracted to women and men equally."
So, will this treachery be in Kevin's favor? If so, I'm sure others will adopt his method; unmask your wife's secrets.

Remember the Concert with Madonna?

Janet and Timberlake in conflict ?

Does Justing Timberlake mock Janet Jackon in his newest song?

That's what some fans say about Timberlake's "Give it to me" was leaked to the Internet, according to MSNBC.

Part of the song sounds like the following:

“Could you speak up and stop mumbling?/I don’t think you came in clear/When you’re sitting on the top/it’s hard to hear you from way up there/I saw you tryin’ to act cute on TV/Just let me clear the air/We missed you on the charts last week/[Bleep] that’s right, you wasn’t there.”

Now, these may be refering to her appearance in the Oprah show, when she discussed about the boob-baring incident, and wasn't very kind to Justin. She said Timberlake tried contacting her but that she hasn't spoken to him since Nipplegate.

Truth or gossip? We may find out later as Justin wasn't available for comment.

Nicole and Paris at the Cinema..

Nicole and Paris after watching Happy Feet at the cinema. Pretty exciting huh? Or not?

Well, let's take another look at the second picture:

Certainly, the staff in the back seem to be mesmerized!

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