Does Anyone Really Read THIS?

I'm considering eliminating some sections of this blog. This one takes some time to maintain and I receive the least feedback from this section. I'm debating on keeping this as a regular weekly post, or canceling it all together.

Celebrity News Week Recap of December 10th 2004

Let me see last week we left off (fine I left off) with headlines

of police breaking into Michael Jackson's home with a search warrant. Exactly what they were looking for was not disclosed, but on going investigation seems to worsen for Jackson.

Damaging Evidence surfaces in Michael Jackson's Child Molestation Case

A potentially damaging piece of evidence has been unearthed in the child-molestation case against Michael Jackson, according to a report in Saturday's Santa Barbara News-Press.

The newspaper reports that fingerprints belonging to both Jackson and his accuser were found on pornographic magazines that authorities seized from Jackson's Neverland Ranch last year. | source:

Jackson reportedly gives DNA sample

Michael Jackson , who left his Neverland estate on Friday soon after investigators arrived to search it, returned by helicopter the following day and provided authorities a DNA sample at their request, the Santa Barbara News-Press reported Sunday. ...

Jackson was home when authorities arrived Friday but left soon afterward because the presence of law enforcement officials and prosecutors was upsetting his children, sources close to the entertainer told the News-Press. He returned Saturday specifically to give the sample. | source: MSNBC

Drunk Danes unnerve J.Lo

Drunks from anywhere can unnerve me. However, as a performer I would assume performing for a drunken crowd goes with the job. Of course they can be rude and obnoxious but if you have a commitment you have to honor it. Apparently Jennifer Lopez continues on her diva streak and was so annoyed by alcohol happy Danes that as soon as her performance was over she left as fast as she could. I can relate to the feeling, but then again that's not part of my job...

J.Lo lost her cool in Sweden.
The singer was in Stockholm earlier this week where she was performing some songs from her forthcoming CD for about 100 VIPs, a source tells The Scoop.

"They asked the Danes several times to be quiet but they didn't listen. J. Lo was expected to stay at least an hour after they played the songs, but she ran out of the place as soon as she was done." | source: MSNBC

I will not be leaving my seat when I watch Alicia Keys guest spot on Regis and Kelly. Not just a guest but a guest host,which is even better.

Alicia Keys To Fill In For Kelly Ripa
Keys will sit in as a guest host with Regis Philbin for the vacationing Kelly Ripa on "Live With Regis and Kelly" on December 22. In addition to preparing to play sidekick to Regis, Keys is still basking in her eight Grammy nominations. The nods mark the singer's second trip to the big show as a nominee. She won five Grammys in 2002 for her debut album, Songs in A Minor.

This time around, it's more exciting because this year has been so exciting in terms of my growth as a woman and as an artist," Keys said. "I'm really getting to enjoy it. The first time it was all a whirlwind, and I was caught up in the shock."

| source:

Keys picked up SEVEN of those eight nominations at this Years Billboards Awards. Usher nabbed ALL eleven awards. Kanye West Picked up four, including Best New Artist. See the complete winner list at Ivillage

That was great news for Kanye West, but honestly after hearing his disappointing child like tantrum, I personally I wish West didn't win ANY awards this year, even if he is from Chicago.
"I feel I was definitely robbed, I was the best new artist this year," West said about losing the Best New Artist trophy to Gretchen Wilson. "I don't know if I'll be back at this award show next year." | source: React Magazine

Since then I suppose his publicist's have worked with him to be a more gracious public speaker. "I should have accepted that more gracefully. "I'm really ashamed of the way I reacted to that situation."

Could it be that Hollywood's most famous couple is headed for serious trouble? It has been rumored that the relationship between Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston has been headed for the rocks for months. Brad Pitt has been wanting to start a family with wife Jennifer Aniston since before her commitment to the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ended. During a recent interview with Diane Sawyer the rift couldn't be more evident when at the same time, Jen's actions contradict Brad's wants.

Brad & Jen He Tears Up, She Parties Hard
Call it A Tale of Two Cities... or Spouses: On the evening of Dec. 2, film fans were treated to a rare sight: manly movie star Brad Pitt, 40, with eyes welling up on national television as he admitted to Primetime Live's Diane Sawyer just how much he has "family on the mind." Just as his interview was airing, however, Brad's wife, Jennifer Aniston, was acting out an entirely different story.


If Jen knew about Brad's teary eyes, witnesses say she certainly didn't show it, dancing and partying the night away with co-stars from her upcoming film Derailed, which is just finishing up filming in London. But to industry observers, the scene -- along with ongoing rumors of a rift in the Pitt-Aniston marriage, including, as Star reported, a chilly goodbye at the Los Angeles airport Nov. 26. | source:

Another couple that has gone to the dumps is that of Ellen DeGeneres and life partner of four years Alexandra Hedison

Ellen DeGeneres and Her Partner Separate

Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres has separated from her girlfriend, photographer-director Alexandra Hedison.

A source close to the couple tells PEOPLE that Hedison moved out of DeGeneres's home last month, ending their four year relationship. "It's difficult for both of them and very sad," says the source. "They were a private couple and they hope they can separate privately." | source: People Magazine

Read more scoop from this weeks headlines:

Paris Hilton snubs gift bag worth $6000

Eminem goes on a makeup shopping spree spending $10,000
from MSNBC

Celebrity News Week Recap of December 3rd 2004

This week has been an eventful gabfest of celebrity gossip! There was been a lot of good news, bad news, and just plain juicy fun tab-fab gab. Alright enough of the teasing lets start off with the good news:

Congratulations! Julia Roberts Is the Proud Mom of Twins

Julia Roberts and hubby Danny Moder finally welcomed their new additions to their loving family at 3 a.m. on November 28. What are the names? Not as odd as the recent trend of celebrity baby names. (Coco Cox, Apple Martin ... the list is now getting pretty big) Julia gave birth to beautiful baby girl - Hazel Patricia and baby boy - Phinnaeus Walter.

But Phinnaeus and Hazel?

Hazel is retro by at least a couple of generations. The world stopped having Hazels around the time it stopped having Berthas and Gladyses and Mildreds. The last time Hazel was heard from was 1961, when Shirley Booth played a busybody maid of that name in a sitcom of that name. Phinnaeus is even more retro, as in Old Testament retro, and more obscure than such OT running mates as Methuselah and Obadiah.

| source: Washington Post

Another mommy to be, um well we don't know that for sure. Britney Spears has been widely rumored to be pregnant. In recent posting on her own website it is blatantly obvious that at least she plans to be.

Is Britney Spears in the family way?
Spears recently announced that she was taking at least a few years off before touring again. "A lot of people think you should wait till you are older to have kids," Spears writes. "I've had a career since I was 16, have traveled around the world & back and even kissed Madonna! The only thing I haven&'t done so far is experience the closest thing to God and that's having a baby. I can' wait!"

The 'Toxic' singer opines that it's important to have children when you're young — like her own mother, who "looked sexy in her black dress [when she went to church and] would come home and put on her size 2 shorts and a bikini top to wash the car & get a tan at the same time."

Spears also has comments that are not likely to endear her to career moms. “To be a really good mom, I feel your child needs to be your fulltime job,” she writes. "I want to raise my kids and share all of those precious moments with them and not rely on nannies." | source: MSNBC

I would love to see when this happens. This coming from a person who has a team of personal assistants to help her with... HERSELF. Said team includes a Manager (fine this is also her mother), Make-up artist, Wardrobe Stylist, publicists, Agent, Choreographer, Production Offices, personal workout coach, dietitian, hair stylist, I could go on. Read more and find out their wages HERE

Here is some great news for all the Motley Crue fans...

Motley Crue will stage reunion tour in 2005
Bad boys of metal Mötley Crüe will be shouting at the devil at a stadium near you some time in 2005, says the band's manager, but it's still in the works. ''We're holding buildings, sitting down and negotiating with everyone, but nothing is done,'' Mötley Crüe manager Allen Kovac reports to Billboard...

Kovac also reports that the band will release Red, White & Crüe, a greatest-hits album, in February, featuring a new single ''If I Die Tomorrow.'' Meanwhile, original Crüe member Tommy Lee has taped a reality show for NBC. | source:

Entertainment Weekly

Now for some bad news. I hate to break this to all you George Clooney fans, but it seems like the ex-ER doc is having some medical problems of his own. During filming of a current film George Clooney has uncovered serious back ailments.

George Clooney sidelined by ruptured disk

George Clooney is suffering from a ruptured disk that kept him from promoting his new film, “Ocean’s Twelve,” this week. Clooney had been scheduled to travel to New York Sunday for appearances on shows including “Good Morning America,” “The Daily Show” and “Charlie Rose,” his spokesman, Stan Rosenfield, said Monday. But Clooney told Rosenfield on Saturday that his condition had worsened and he would be unable to travel. | source: MSNBC

Some bad news for Michael Jackson.

Police Search Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch — Again
Just over a year after Michael Jackson's home was first searched by police, Santa Barbara, California, authorities have returned to Neverland once again. Sheriff's investigators started searching the singer's Los Olivos estate at around 9 a.m. Friday December 3rd. Though they wouldn't specify what they were looking for, police say they are executing the search 'as part of an ongoing criminal investigation'. | source: MTV News

Who else is in legal problems, not a celebrity per say but a parent of one very high profile one...

Lindsay Lohan's Father Arrested For Criminal Contempt, DWI
Michael Lohan was arrested on Monday night for criminal contempt and driving while intoxicated when he allegedly violated an order of protection taken out by the actress' mother, Dina Lohan, according to the Nassau County Police Department.

Lohan was arrested at 9:50 p.m. in North Merrick, New York, after he was seen by hired security guards pulling into the driveway of Dina's home twice on Monday night. | source: MTV News

Lindsay's Debut CD "Rumors" is due to release this Tuesday December 7th. It's veer doubtful that her father's legal problems could be a publicity ploy. He has been a thorn on his daughters career, continuously making a spectacle of himself. Previously arrested for fighting with his brother-in-law, continuously ejected from scores strip clubs, passing out bars and providing negative feedback to the media. Talk about being embarrassed of your parents.

This seems to be deja-vu. I recall Nicole Kidman having some controversy over her smoking habits. This was in fact the case, Kidman made headline news in May 2003 when she smoked throughout a press conference at the Cannes Film Festival.


Kidman Slammed Over Smoking

Nicole Kidman's latest award as Nsw Australian Of The Year has caused controversy after anti-smoking groups renewed their call for the actress to quit her nicotine habit. Following her triumph, Australian health authorities have reacted with fury, claiming Kidman, as a smoker, is a bad role model for young Aussies. | source:

I am not a fan of smoking and I muss confess do like the ban of smoking in some establishments. However, this tactic of what it a blatant personal attack seems rather harsh. Hmm, I wonder if I would feel the same if it wasn't Nicole Kidman who they were going after?

Celebrity News Week Recap of November 26th 2004

If I knew adopting a nickname was going to be this popular I would have copywritten the action or tried to get some cash out that process. Celebrities are finally picking up what I started a long time ago ;) Call me Celikins!!

Mariah Adopts a New Name - Mimi
The singer now joins the list of divas who’ve taken an alternative moniker, such as Jennifer Lopez (J.Lo) and Madonna (Esther). In fact, Mariah Carey’s new name will appear in the title her forthcoming album: "The Emancipation of Mimi." | source: MSNBC
I suppose Mariah Carey is doing all she can to get back into the lime light in order ton increase sales fer her new CD, which is due out in March 2005 under the Def Jam Records label.  Her first single, entitled "Say Something" features both Pharrell Williams and Snoop Dogg,  It seems that Mimi is having financial difficulty.  In a recent article in headline read:

Mariah Goes For Broke
Mariah Carey, who has managed to steer clear of the tabloids of late, is in the news because -- get this -- she's almost broke. When Virgin gave her $28 mil to "go away" in 2001, one would've thought that she'd be rolling in the dough, but oh no. Considering her $7,200 a day hairdresser and makeup artist, it's a wonder she has enough money to eat. | source:

Another celebrity who is trying hard to stay away from the limelight is Ben Affleck.  His last two films (Gigli & Surviving Christmas) were crucified by critics and apparantly my the masses since they both flopped big time.

Even pal Kevin Smith couldn't convince Ben Affleck to join "Degrassi: The Next Generation."
Affleck apparently thinks that the public has had enough of him for right now. “He was just like, ‘You know what, dude? I’m a little too high profile right now. I’m trying to scale back,’” Smith told “He was just feeling the burn.

It’s been a bad [bleeping] year for him, and he keeps getting the [bleep] kicked out of him. | source: MSNBC

Happy News for Renee Zellwegger, rumor has it that she's set to get married to White Stripes frontman Jack White.

Renee engaged?
Friends of the couple expect that an engagement will be announced at a lavish Christmas party to be held at Renee's Hollywood home. The 35-year-old actress and 29-year-old White Stripes frontman got together after they appeared together in Cold Mountain reports Digitalspy quoting the Daily Mail. | source:

Before her wedding The National Enquierer reports that Britney Spears was pregnant before her Wedding to Kevin Federline..

Britney Spears found out she was pregnant before going on her honeymoon, say sources, but she kept it a secret from her mother and the rest of her family--even from her new husband Kevin Federline! | source: National Enquierer

What's more surprising in the baby department...

Madonna Ready for Another Baby?

Three months after finishing her Re-Invention Tour, Madonna is currently enjoying quiet time with her family in London, she's just published her fourth book for young readers, The Adventures of Abdi – and, at 46, she tells PEOPLE she wouldn't mind getting pregnant again. | source: People Magazine

and finally...

Carmen Electra And Ashton Kutcher Team Up!

Carmen Electra is working closely with Ashton Kutcher these days, but they are not setting up someone to be "Punk'd." Kutcher has tapped Electra to star in a yet untitled sitcom he is producing for Fox. The show is about a woman who has to adjust to life as the wife of a man from a big Midwestern family. | source:

Celebrity News Week Recap of November 20th 2004

This week has been a very eventful week in celebrity gossip. Here is a recap of the top buzz worthy celebrity news:

Dr. Dre was Attacked, Man Stabbed During Melee At Vibe Awards

The second annual Vibe Awards turned ugly Monday night after Dr. Dre was attacked, the G-Unit got involved in a brawl, and a man was stabbed. | source: MTV News


G-Unit's Young Buck Surrenders To Police
The rapper turned himself in to police in Santa Monica, California, on Friday to face charges of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Police believe Young Buck stabbed a man who assaulted Dr. Dre at the Vibe Awards on Monday. | source:MTV News

If that wasn't surprising enough...

Jessica Simpson Shocker! Miss Goody-Goody's Wild Night With...2 Naked Men!

Jessica Simpson had one scandalous night of her own last month! While Star broke the story that her husband Nick Lachey had a very hot evening with naked porn-star Jessica Jaymes and another naked woman at an Oct. 12 bachelor party for sound engineer Sean Sullivan in L.A., sources now reveal Jessica left her good-girl image behind that very same night. | source:, courtesy of Star Magazine

In other music news..

Gwen Stefani Going Solo

No Doubt frontwoman Gwen Stefani takes a break from the boys in the band with the debut of her solo album Tuesday. | source: People Magazine

I'm looking forward to that CD, hopefully it's grammy worthy. Speaking of which...

Usher wins four American Music Awards

LOS ANGELES - R&B sensation Usher won all his show-leading four nominations at the American Music Awards on Sunday, and rap funksters OutKast went three-for-three during a performance-studded, occasionally censored broadcast ceremony. | source:MSNBC

Other good News..


Robert De Niro and his wife Grace Hightower are celebrating their 7th anniversary in style. The couple are renewing their wedding vows. Attending the special event will be Martin Scorsese, Billy Crystal, Harvey Keitel and Clare Danes. Also in attendance will be his four children from previous relationships, and his son with Hightower, Elliott, who is six. | source: National Enquierer

More on things that don't change...

Michael Jackson sued (AGAIN) for $3 million

LOS ANGELES - A former producer and business associate of Michael Jackson is suing the pop star, claiming he hasn’t been paid more than $3 million in loans and producing fees. | source: MSNBC

Celebrity News Week Recap of November 13th 2004

O.D.B Rapper from Wu-Tang Clan Dies

Ol' Dirty Bastard, a founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan and one of the most eccentric personalities in hip-hop, died of unknown causes on Saturday in New York. He would have turned 36 on Monday. | source: MTV news

Lindsay Lohan and Wilmer Valderrama Break Up

"Mean Girls" star Lindsay Lohan and her boyfriend, Wilmer Valderrama, have ended their relationship. "They have broken up, but are still friends," Valderrama's publicist, Heidi Slan, told The Associated Press Friday. She declined to provide details. | sourceABC News

In Other Break Up News...

Madonna's Manager Calls it Quits

Madonna’s longtime manager is quitting. Caresse Henry, who has been Madonna’s manager for 13 years, is leaving. “As I understand it, she’s not thrilled about the direction that Madonna’s interests have been taking her,” says a source. “Besides, 13 years is a long time and Madonna’s a demanding boss.” | source MSNBC News

Celebs that want to Quit Hollywood are Hugh Grant & Renée Zellweger

Hugh Grant has been telling reporters he's semi-retired for some time now. In 2003, he told TV's Extra that he suffered from ''boredom with show business.'' Recently, he told Australia's Sydney Sun-Herald, ''I don't return my agent's calls. I don't read scripts very much. I was never a very committed actor.''

Grant's remarks echo similar comments made by his Bridget costar Renée Zellweger, who told Reuters this week that she wants to take an extended sabbatical, hang out with friends, and be ''just a girl'' for a while. ''I don't see myself climbing into a makeup chair any time soon and taking another role,'' the 35-year-old Oscar winner said. | sourceEntertainment Weekly

Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake Sued

Two photographers sued Cameron Diaz and her boyfriend Justin Timberlake for assault and battery, claiming the celebrity couple taunted and attacked them outside a fancy hotel. | source: The Mercury News

More on Justin Timberlake...

Justin Timberlake Still Holds Concern For Britney Spears

Justin Timberlake is reportedly rewriting chapters of his forthcoming autobiography so he doesn't offend ex-girlfriend Britney Spears. | source:

George Clooney Putting on Even More Weight

George Clooney is piling on pounds for his new film 'Syriana'. The Hollywood actor has started a diet of doughnuts, pizzas and burgers to gain weight for the role as a tubby soldier in the upcoming thriller. | source:

Keanu Reeves Smokes Pot. Why the hell are you surprised?!?

KEANU REEVES reportedly snuck onto a fire escape at the Beverly Hills Hilton to get a breath of fresh air but as ``The Matrix'' dreamboat started to light up, a firefighter walked by and pointed out the ``No smoking'' sign. ``Relax, man, it's just weed,'' Reeves said | source Boston Herald

Celebrity News Week Recap of November 5th 2004

Lindsay Lohan Hospitalized - Her health, her career & her romance are all suffering
The teen superstar's relentless work schedule, nonstop partying and multiple car crashes have taken a heavy toll on her emotions. She's so stressed out that she's showing up late to work on the set of her new Disney movie, is acting like a diva and is fighting with boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama, friends tell The ENQUIRER.

P. Diddy prepares to celebrate his 35th - Rap entrepreneur plans an A-list, ultra-exclusive soiree
Diddy’s party, dubbed a “Royal Birthday Ball,” was billed as “his biggest, most lavish soiree to date.” Among those expected o attend the event at downtown’s Cipriani’s restaurant were Mariah Carey, Vivica A. Fox, Spike Lee, Sarah Jessica Parker, Chris Rock and Stevie Wonder. | source: MSN Entertainment

Jay-Z to Continue Tour Without R. Kelly & Now R. Kelly sues Jay-Z for $75 million
The tour was thrown into disarray on Friday, after Kelly walked off the stage at New York's Madison Square Garden claiming he'd seen two men in the audience brandishing guns. Later in the evening, he claims he was attacked with pepper spray backstage by members of Jay-Z's entourage. | source Reuters Press

Elton John is planning to become a married man.
The flamboyant performer is saying that he wants to wed his longtime companion, David Furnish | source MSNBC Sccop

Ashlee Simpson lip sync bust!
The 19-year-old singer was busted for a “Saturday Night Live” lip-synch gone awry, with her manager-father saying Monday that his daughter used the extra help because acid reflux disease had made her voice hoarse. | source: MSNBC Scoop

Pregnant Julia Roberts admitted to hospital, expecting twins, reportedly experiencing early contractions

Someone is spreading rumors that Paris Hilton has a girlfriend. The rumor spreader? Paris Hilton herself.

Nicole Kidman isn’t allowed to do her “Bewitched” nose wiggle in public.

Pierce Brosnan picks Colin Farrell for next Bond

Read this and more here @ MSNBC Entertainment

Celebrity Pictures - The Future

Check out these funny pictures of famouse celebrities. This is how your favorite celebrity wll look 50 years from now.

Hollywood Movie Of The Year Awards Nominations

Congratulations to the following movies for being nominated in this years Hollywood Movie Of The Year Awards. I have added my ratings for them, check them out and submit your vote

Collateral by Michael Mann | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating ****

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by Michel Gondry | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating N/A

Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating N/A

Hero by Zhang Yimou | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating ****

Napoleon Dynamite by Jared Hess | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating N/A

Shrek 2 by Andrew Adamson | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating ***1/2

Spider-Man 2 by Sam Raimi | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating ****

The Bourne Supremacy by Paul Greengrass | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating ***1/2

The Motorcycle Diaries by Walter Salles | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating N/A***1/2

The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson | Cinemacritic.blogspot Rating ***1/2

Week Recap - Gwen Stefani, 2004 AMAs, Beyoncé & Jay Leno

I haven't had time this week to blog much on hollywood gossip. Here are brief headlines for this week, click on source links to read more...

Gwen Stefani of No Doubt Goes Solo

No Doubt frontwoman Gwen Stefani's highly anticipated solo debut finally has a name: "Love, Angel, Music, Baby" will arrive Nov. 23 via Interscope. source |

Performers scheduled for 2004 AMAs

Jessica Simpson, Usher, Kanye West, Kenny Chesney, Josh Groban, Toby Keith, Gretchen Wilson are first performers announced to perform at the 2004 American Music Awards

The event is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles on Sunday, November 4th. Source |

Beyoncé injures herself dancing

The singer tore a leg muscle rehearsing with Destiny's Child. source |

Jay Leno to Retire in 2009, Conan OBrien to Replace Him

Jay Leno has a famously Cal Ripken-esque work ethic, but on Monday, he announced his retirement -- effective in five years. In 2009, he said, he'll vacate his desk at The Tonight Show and pass the torch on to Late Night host Conan O'Brien. Source | Entertainment Weekly

Cynthia Nixon

This one came as a shocker, after reading this my jaw dropped.
The actress, who just won an Emmy for her role as Miranda Hobbes in the hit HBO comedy, is in a relationship with another woman, a source who works with Nixon told The Associated Press on Friday. source | MSN Entertainment

Hey All I can say as long as she's happy all else is good! She has her kids now. Not that that's all that men are good for, but why bare to live with a man she's not attracted too?

Celebrity News - Paris Hilton & Others

This is a pretty cool little site. See Paris Hiltons pre/post pictures. I belive the pre pictures, I have always said that she looks much different than her sister. More info @ Awful Plastic Surgery

Angelina Jolie

Without a doubt Angelina is still my favorite celebrity. I love the fact that she can be so independant. What is she up to now. MSN entertainment section reports that she is learning how to fly an airplane. That's right look out John Travolta. This star power is aiming to reach the sky, literally. I wonder if Angelina was bit bye the flying bug while filming her upcoming movie release: “Sky Captain”.

Read more about his story and more celebrity gossip @

Dave Matthews Band

I must add this to provide a follow-up from my previous postings. Dave Matthews Band has issued a statement on their website - The Official Dave Matthews Band Website In an attempt to assist authorities DMB members have offered to provide DNA evidence to help authorities determine the source of the sewage. I continue with the - EEEeeew

Julia Roberts/Benjamin Bratt

Julia Roberts taking it slow. E-online reports she is taking a break from filming as her twins are due to arrive around Christmas. What's juicy in that article is what her ex, Benjamin Bratt is quoted saying:
"With Julia I saw up close what fame really does to a person, It sounds great but it comes with a terrible price. Getting too close to the light is a dangerous thing. But I needed to go through that to appreciate what I have now.

My wife is the most beautiful actress in the world, but what makes her special is that she's beautiful on the inside too. She doesn't have an unbearable ego."
It is so sad to see a grown man be so bitter. That is exactly what he sounds like. It would have been better to say: "It didn't work out, best wishes. I am very happy with my wife, who is my opinion is the most beautiful woman in the world inside and out.

See full article @

Dave Matthews Band

I guess it was Dave Matthews!

In a post I made on August 9th It was believed that the tour bus belonging to the Dave Matthews Band had dumped smelly sewage onto unsuspecting tourist. Now the City of Chicago is taking action:
CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- The state of Illinois sued the Dave Matthews Band on Tuesday for allegedly dumping up to 800 pounds of liquid human waste from a bus into the Chicago River, dousing a tour boat filled with passengers.

courtesy of:

Matt Damon

Matt Damon gives upon dating celebrities
Apparently in reaction to the media circus that surrounded his long-time buddy Ben Affleck’s romance with J.Lo, Damon says that now he will only date “civilians” — i.e., not celebrities.

Courtesy of MSNBC
See I told you guys Matt and I were dating ;)

Tom Cruise

Cruise Says He's Keeping Vote Private
Tom Cruise says he respects the right of entertainers to participate in political campaigning, but his vote in the upcoming presidential election will remain private. Courtesy of:yahoo news
Hmmm.. Lets see

1. Scientologist

2. Actor

3. from Syracuse NY

4. Contribution History: Democratic 100% | Republican 0%


What's the point of stating you are keeping your vote private? You don't have to be a psychic to guess where his vote is going.

John Stamos/Rebecca Romijn-Stamos

John Stamos files for divorce from Rebecca Romijn-Stamos. After 10 years of knowing each other and five years of marriage the romantic relationship of the arguably most beutyful couple has ended. John Stamos has filed for divorce today, read more @ "John Stamos files for divorce from Rebecca Romijn-Stamos"

Britney Spears

I'm not surprised:
Simon Amstell of the U.K. show "Popworld" asked Spears what was the last thing she’d put in her mouth. Spears reportedly replied that it was a sex toy.
Read the first article from MSN's Gossip Column

Nicole Kidman/Sean Penn

That's Right! You Tell Him Girl.
"What's wrong?" Nicole finally fessed up. "His breath stinks," she wailed. "It smells like smoke . . . and it's making me sick!"
I don't tend to feel sorry for celebrities, but this is a complaint by many women and even men. Don't be rude freshen up before puckering up! Read the full story @ My Way - Celebrity Gossip

Alicia Keys : Ga. Man Gets Calls for Alicia Keys

I must admit everytime I heard that song I was tempted to call that : Ga. Man Gets Calls for Alicia Keys

Now that I know there is a recoring for her fans I will leave a message.

Lindsay Lohan

I'm sick - Lohan's price tag: $7.5 million

I love Lindsay, I really do. I'm a big fan. Something about this Girl just makes you want to watch her. NOT that perverted way either. She's just a very charismatic beautiful girl. BUT at AGE 18 EARNING 7.5 Million per MOVIE???! Lohan's price tag: $7.5 million Oy Vey America, this is just asking for trouble.

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