Celebrity News Week Recap of November 26th 2004

If I knew adopting a nickname was going to be this popular I would have copywritten the action or tried to get some cash out that process. Celebrities are finally picking up what I started a long time ago ;) Call me Celikins!!

Mariah Adopts a New Name - Mimi
The singer now joins the list of divas who’ve taken an alternative moniker, such as Jennifer Lopez (J.Lo) and Madonna (Esther). In fact, Mariah Carey’s new name will appear in the title her forthcoming album: "The Emancipation of Mimi." | source: MSNBC
I suppose Mariah Carey is doing all she can to get back into the lime light in order ton increase sales fer her new CD, which is due out in March 2005 under the Def Jam Records label.  Her first single, entitled "Say Something" features both Pharrell Williams and Snoop Dogg,  It seems that Mimi is having financial difficulty.  In a recent article in Askmen.com headline read:

Mariah Goes For Broke
Mariah Carey, who has managed to steer clear of the tabloids of late, is in the news because -- get this -- she's almost broke. When Virgin gave her $28 mil to "go away" in 2001, one would've thought that she'd be rolling in the dough, but oh no. Considering her $7,200 a day hairdresser and makeup artist, it's a wonder she has enough money to eat. | source: Askmen.com

Another celebrity who is trying hard to stay away from the limelight is Ben Affleck.  His last two films (Gigli & Surviving Christmas) were crucified by critics and apparantly my the masses since they both flopped big time.

Even pal Kevin Smith couldn't convince Ben Affleck to join "Degrassi: The Next Generation."
Affleck apparently thinks that the public has had enough of him for right now. “He was just like, ‘You know what, dude? I’m a little too high profile right now. I’m trying to scale back,’” Smith told MoviePoop.com “He was just feeling the burn.

It’s been a bad [bleeping] year for him, and he keeps getting the [bleep] kicked out of him. | source: MSNBC

Happy News for Renee Zellwegger, rumor has it that she's set to get married to White Stripes frontman Jack White.

Renee engaged?
Friends of the couple expect that an engagement will be announced at a lavish Christmas party to be held at Renee's Hollywood home. The 35-year-old actress and 29-year-old White Stripes frontman got together after they appeared together in Cold Mountain reports Digitalspy quoting the Daily Mail. | source: Ananova.com

Before her wedding The National Enquierer reports that Britney Spears was pregnant before her Wedding to Kevin Federline..

Britney Spears found out she was pregnant before going on her honeymoon, say sources, but she kept it a secret from her mother and the rest of her family--even from her new husband Kevin Federline! | source: National Enquierer

What's more surprising in the baby department...

Madonna Ready for Another Baby?

Three months after finishing her Re-Invention Tour, Madonna is currently enjoying quiet time with her family in London, she's just published her fourth book for young readers, The Adventures of Abdi – and, at 46, she tells PEOPLE she wouldn't mind getting pregnant again. | source: People Magazine

and finally...

Carmen Electra And Ashton Kutcher Team Up!

Carmen Electra is working closely with Ashton Kutcher these days, but they are not setting up someone to be "Punk'd." Kutcher has tapped Electra to star in a yet untitled sitcom he is producing for Fox. The show is about a woman who has to adjust to life as the wife of a man from a big Midwestern family. | source: Women.com

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