People magazine scores Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie photos

I think Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have decided to come out in public with, what everyone has been speculating for months... These two obviously share each other's company and perhaps can offer each other more than just friendship. See more pictures @ People Magazine

People magazine scores Pitt-Jolie photos

NEW YORK -- After months of avoiding being photographed together, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie appear in new photos published in People magazine.

In the six pictures featured in the July 11 issue, Jolie stands in a field near her Buckinghamshire, England, estate while a shirtless and bleached-blond Pitt rides a dirt bike with her safety helmet-clad son Maddox. Other photos show Pitt, Jolie and 3-year-old Maddox at Luton Airport outside London.

Larry Hackett, People's deputy managing editor, won't disclose how much the magazine paid for the photos, obtained from a photographer in Britain. But he told The Associated Press Thursday that the price tag was under $1 million and 'there was no bidding war' with competitors such as Us Weekly and Star magazines." - By Derrik J. Lang: Associated Press Writer. Read more from Source: Metromix. People magazine scores Pitt-Jolie photos

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