Lee Iacocca & Snoop Dog star together in new Chrysler ad

Lee Iacocca's newest spot for Chrysler includes rap star Snoop Dogg, as the auto maker tries to reach out to a younger group of buyers.
Iacocca, who frequently appeared in Chrysler commercials during his tenure as chairman from 1979 to 1992, returned to pitch the company's cars in July, hyping its offer to sell vehicles at the employee-discount price to the general public.
The latest spot, which numerous media reports say should start Saturday, includes Iacocca and Snoop Dogg, whose hip-hop speaking manner in the spot seems to confuse Iacocca.
'You know, I'm not too sure what you just said. Now everybody gets a great deal,' Iacocca says in the spot.
'Fo shizzle, I-ka-zizzle,' Snoop Dog replies." | source: CNN News

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