Michael’s Mother and Kids to Receive $30M from the Estate

michael jackson's family

There are those who argue that world renowned entertainer Michael Jackson is worth more in death than while he was living. This could be the case due to the $310 million in revenues that executors of MJ's estate have managed to generate as of December 31, 2010.
As a result, the executors have filed court documents requesting to fund a trust set-up for Michael's mother Katherine and his three children to the tune of $30 million.

I addition to the trust, the executors are looking to sell Michael's longtime family home in Encino, California.  While an asking price has yet been made available, at the time of Jackson's death, the home was valued at $4.15 million.  Court documents indicate Katherine has interest in selling the home to buy another one.  However, it's said the real home she wants to purchase is the one she and the children live in now.

This is definitely one way to be starting something!

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