No more Pirates of the Caribbean ?

If you still hope seeing Keira Knightley in another «Pirates of the Caribbean» film, you will be certainly dissatisfied. She said that the third part of this movie was the last time she played Elizabeth Swann. In interesting trilogy her co-stars were amazing and Orlando Bloom. We still don’t know reaction of her two collegues on her statement. Even British promised that she will explore other film projects, the fans of this movie are very cheerless. She explained her situation saying “I think it was wonderful and an amazing opportunity and those films were just extraordinary and I was extremely lucky to be a part of them. But no. I think my pirating days may be over.” So there are two options - or there is no more replaying back of the «Pirates of the Caribbean», or director and the rest of the movie - team must find another Elizabeth Swann… For more great pictures of stunning celebrity Keira Knightley check out this site >>

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