The Not So Hot Celebrities Rating - Top

Mike Tyson

He’s everything but handsome, and he sure isn’t nice either, but despite that he has made lots of money because of his talent when it comes to boxing. Unfortunately he has chosen to spend the money way to fast and probably in a fairly stupid way, but he’s still a living proof that you don’t need beauty to become famous.

Nicolas Cage

You don’t have to look good to win the Academy Award. Nicolas Cage is a living proof of that after winning the award for his performance in Leaving Las Vegas. He did an excellent performance in the film World Trade Center, and his performance in Con Air was just as good. I’m sure that most of the people who have seen him act is quite impressed by his talent

Every time you look in the magazines you see plenty of beautiful, cute, handsome celebrities. Well dressed and with lots of charm and class. They’re the celebrities we think of when we hear the word celebrities. You don’t have to be handsome or beautiful to become a celebrity though. Talent and something extra can take you just as far, and here are 50 living proof of that.

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