Katie Holmes: The perfect woman for Calvin Klein

Los Angeles. Hollywood beauty Katie Holmes (31) has probably Creative Director Francisco Costa from the fashion house 'Calvin Klein enchants' total, as he described the stunning actress as "perfect" wife for Calvin. He will also be a huge fan of her! He was totally dazzled when he on Thursday in the first set with the Calvin Klein collection at New York Fashion Week saw and said: "We met her before she was married. It is the perfect Calvin Girl."

Katie told the 'People' magazine about the show: "I just liked it. There were so many pieces that I would like to have. He did a great job. I liked the simplicity. I loved the colors he had chosen, the materials and the simple elegance. "

Katie was so impressed by the show was at the end of Francisco satisfied with the result. He said: "It was more about the body, the substances and obviously interesting cuts. Unchartered territory for me, this softness and incorporating it to make sharp and fresh, which is much harder. It was challenging, fun, a lot of liquid and elongated . We started to fall back to half that, that was a step forward. "

Katie in her cream-colored dress Calvin saw the show as an inspiration for her own fashion line.

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