Rihanna looks red - New Style Shocker!

Somehow we had almost to the red hair and the wig used by Rihanna, but despite that it is me with the latest pictures back down cold. Wuaah what a styling nightmare. Reminds me of a rabid zebra! Burn this with you just in the red eyes? When I look there for more than 10 seconds, I see only this asterisk comic ...

With the bright color might Rihanna provide many a traffic jam, "Honey! Since the front bremseeeennn a red light is! "Why such a gloomy actually pulls the air? Well, probably she is annoyed by the paparazzi, but who is so "obvious" is running through the area may not even be surprised to be recognized in deep black night. Red is a signal color! However, Rihanna looks good itself is not very much of its unusual Kostümchen. This patch should be trimmed mop much times the pot says Schalk. Finally, it has also made especially for the birthday of their friend, "Matt Kemp" as made "smart" and I strongly hope that, at its party at Drai's nightclub for better mood ....

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