Robbie Williams: Feel ... how are you on? Text forget!

Ah yes, a Robbie Williams is not getting any younger. Now that he has found the love of his life and they are no longer languishing as must sing, it probably just seems to lack the personal reference. So it came as it had, at a charity concert he has actually forgotten the lyrics of one of his biggest hits.

"Feel" can probably sing along with every fan in the bedroom and although Robbie Williams up on stage on stage rather, he wanted the crucial lines occur is not easy. Skillfully, he has crept on drums (from 2:20 min), to again to scroll through the lyrics. Rather than conceal the mishap, he has even asked the audience: "Does anyone of you the text?" Was that embarrassing or what? No! Thats Entertainment "and thanks his charm to him anyway you can forgive almost anything. The concert has great atmosphere, it certainly does not hurt, just because the fans are in for him and have the song weitergesungen:

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