Shannen Doherty distributed Stalking tips for women

Los Angeles. Ask Mrs. Doherty: Shannen Doherty (39) is in her new book entitled 'Badass: A Hard-Earned Guide to Living Life With Style and (The Right) Attitude' relationship tips and advises how to can lead a confident life as a woman.

There are some interesting chapters in the book, among other things describes the actress ("Beverly Hills 90210 '), how to track a man properly.

"I prefer this with three of my friends make, we make sure of that, even for fun ... I make this type of stalking rare and I remember only one time that we have done for me. Never use your own car or a car that would recognize the man. lend you the car of friends, and be thoughtful and responsible, pay for the petrol. (Yes, there is also a label for stalker), "the American in the soon-published book.

Doherty is famous for her turbulent love life. She was married to the singer Ashley Hamilton and Rick Salomon with a notorious playboy, who published his sex tape with Paris Hilton on the Internet. After this incident gave Doherty a divorce. In the book she writes about their relationship and revealed to him how much she loved Solomon. They especially appreciated his humor, but also accept the bad times of their marriage.

"If the language comes to Rick, I would not lie and say that I have not loved him. I loved him. And he has provided me during our relationship with great things, especially with his humor. He was good at it, tell me to laugh and sometimes we had a good time. But, by God, it makes up for bad times, "Shannen Doherty complains about her ex-husband. (Cover Media)
Los Angeles. Ask Mrs. Doherty: Shannen Doherty (39) is in her new book entitled 'Badass: A Hard-Earned Guide to Living Life With Style and (The Right) Attitude' relationship tips and advises how to can lead a confident life as a woman.

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