Demi Lovato VS Alex Welch: incoming complaint

The issue is complicated by Demi Lovato. The dancer who gave a fist in rehab before closing decided that, if within a week or ten days will not receive an apology, it will pass the complaint to beatings, humiliation and emotional damage. So Alex Welch tells for the first time what had happened.

Since the end of October, the girl hit by plane from Demi Lovato had never been heard in person, but this time explaining the facts of that day, reporters from People:

To date, I have not heard a word of apology. We were on the plane with Jonas and we were having a great time and I have not received any call or message from Demi who says, 'Hey, you and I have a problem ", nothing. She came to me, gave me a punch and has gone back to his place. No one should get there, do something like that and walk away. It is not right.

It seems that Demi had received a reprimand from the manager for the evening of carousing the night before, and had been convinced that some of the dancers had spied:

He called all the dancers in a room and threatened that "If I find out who said something about me ...." But honestly I did not say anything about her.

That the young star has not apologized to the dancer, the spokesman said that Demi is practically a recluse in rehab and can not talk to anyone, but we are working.

In the meantime, though, Alex's lawyer has launched a sort of ultimatum. If you do not find an agreement within a week, to start the complaint

Assault, neglect, humiliation, emotional distress damages and will ask for it.

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