Charlie Sheen has box-hookers and expensive watches - "It has been just a fucking night!"

There is still no angel fallen from heaven, so let Charlie Sheen not to do the same devil. A naked hooker in the closet? Occupational hazard, as well as everyone makes mistakes and eventually earned the part-time porn actress times the dollar now that they may soon put to rest can. By the way, must correct the Pottschalk at this point even a rumor that he himself is unfortunately fell for it. Officially, the lady was not locked in the closet but in the toilet and she even has confirmed on its website. How did the rumor? The English word "Closet" may mean toilet but also closet. Perhaps this explanation will help even one or the other more on his next stay in the USA: "So please do not shit in the closet in!"

Charlie Sheen is and remains a hero despite all the tragedy, maybe a bit "anti" but in any case survived the last "Rock Star" of our day. Randallieren to get drunk and hire a hooker - Man (n) is the male, but give in times of soft washed men's images and hyper-Emmanuel must sometimes the other extreme. The right guy is somewhere between macho, Alice Schwarzer and full-time dad in eco-sandals. Before the Pottschalk but again too much bent on topics of which he, despite XY chromosome has no idea that he can start trying out Charlie Sheen word to come.

During the same night he has not lost its reputation, but for his wallet and a $ 150,000 Clock! Ouch, that was really expensive, says the Pottschalk. But now it looks a little looser and Charlie has told the paparazzi to the following:

"It depends on how you look when you have an expensive taste, you have to be expensive loss preparations also. If a guy has a shit night, all mad and panicked ... I'm not a panic-type! "

Ah, there again our Charlie Harper! At the end of the interview, he advises us even "Two and a Half Men" turn on, and who can resist his charm already?

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