Miley Cyrus: Happy Birthday! So she celebrates her 18th Birthday!

Is it really only the 18th or perhaps not even the 22 Birthday? There are so many rumors about Miley Cyrus, but on their special day we want the crap but just let them rest. The Pottschalk it extends congratulations to the new herlich years and wishes her all the best. Just a few days before it was in the exclusive "Le Trousdale" explosive fun and rum made with an unknown type. Is that a crime? Have no, let them play a little bit of fun but still thinks the pot Schalk. Their 16th yet they celebrated with Mickey Mouse, now they can stop other NEM bloke with the pig out.

Finally, she laughed at the last time to really do much. First was the relationship with Liam Heemsworth to pieces, then the divorce of their parents and getting this to criticism of their skimpy outfits. Now that she is officially 18, she finally allowed wearing what they want to complain without the moral high ground like the pot Schalk. Although it is likely to celebrate the hippest clubs until age 21, but thanks to her celebrity status is they often have an eye to press.

As long as they are not there, gets drunk, because we have to make, no worries. It was not until 21 in the disco? This is unthinkable in this country and at that age, some even their wild party days behind him. But Miley Cyrus has guaranteed no matter how many plans and I'm curious to see how as a young woman in the Hollywood hit business will now be...

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