Emma Watson at the premiere of Harry Potter cover tape of Federica

Last night Emma Watson has appeared on the red carpet London premiere of the new Harry Potter film, capturing everyone's attention and proving to be no longer the little girl eleven of the first film of 2001. The actress wore, in fact, a very short vintage dress but was not about magic, but thanks a lot 'of inches of tape.

The interpreter of Hermione Granger, already twenty years old, has decided to wear a really short dress with lace Rafael Lopez, supplemented by a pair of high heels. The dress also had a deep neck and back as well, to avoid unpleasant situations on the red carpet, Emma decided to secure the back with double sided tape. Evidently, however, the stylist was not too careful, because it was impossible not to notice the "grandmother's remedy" whenever the actress turned.

Watson has also raised its new, very short, haircut which was granted only after he finished filming the last scene in the Harry Potter. The actress took the opportunity of the premiere of her new film to show his immense sorrow for the shooting of the seven Harry Potter films, admitting that he touched on the set.

We are all so close, and it was a great adventure, but now it's time to move on. It is surprising because it seems to me to retire to twenty years. But I feel exactly like that. I spent the last ten years to act in this film and I can only hope that the second part of my life is amazing as it was before.

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