Dorismar secret walks with former manager and he tells her: "You taught

Dorismar and her manager Alejandro Schiff live their love in union for years, but they always deny it, because he thinks that if they hear fans will no longer want and can not collect.

The sultry model Dorismar Argentina met his partner for eight years in Miami, in a television forum, "I think it was on Sabado Gigante, he was a dancer and since then live together," according to a source close to TVnotas.

Alexander took over the race almost since they met, the source said. "Alex even advised him to say who is single. When I worked with them I realized that Dorismar is a business and a gold mine, so we are careful and even he has said he never will give you a kiss public.

Your manager is in charge of makeup and do not let anyone take your picture, he is responsible even to dress. Alex charged for makeup and wardrobe session and capsules for Desmadruga2 she recorded in her study made them to sell as a separate production.

Dorismar Although this seems to bother you, as the source says. "Alexander's is in a bubble and tells him to do so accounts for the negotiations.

Alexander is not jealous, but she cares for to him is a business. It is also a couple very dry and no loving. "He likes to excite men with her."

Even on one occasion a man was flirting and Alex realized. At that time he said "stop because you want to see ... and she got up."

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