Fans upset with Antonio Margarito, mocks people with Parkinson

The fans are upset with the Mexican boxer Antonio Margarito for mocking people with Parkinson's disease. In a video interview published by the sports reporter Elie Seckbach FanHouse site, shows Brandon Rios _ambos Margarito wards of coach Robert Garcia. The two seem to mock their constringent coach Manny Pacquiao, Freddie Roach, who suffers from Parkinson's disease.

Before making any statement about the fight for the middleweight title, Garcia apologized for the video on Wednesday during a news conference at Cowboys Stadium, site of the battle.
"This had nothing to do with the condition being treated Freddie Roach. We know it's something you do not want anyone, "Garcia said." It's something personal, something between the people of Pacquiao and Margarito. Just wanted to clarify that. "
A few minutes later, Roach took the stand, made no reference to Garcia's statements or the video. But after the conference, Roach said he did not accept the apology of Garcia.

In the video, Margarito twisted face and a trembling hand up to where the camera then moves to take Rios, who gestures and pretends to have spasms, while saying the name of Pacquiao.

The video was then edited to remove the Rivers, which makes it seem that Margarito was frightened by some statements of Roach, who has frequently questioned his integrity, after the scandal two years ago, when they surprised him with a bandage had a substance similar to plaster.

Garcia also participated in the video, showing a large piece of metal, and telling Roach to be followed by bandaging the hands of Margarito, so that this object is not put under the tape.
"They were very disrespectful towards me and the subject of dressing ... It's like a slap, as if to say, 'We caught doing something wrong but we are fighting." I think this shows his true ilk. I do not think these people are good, "said Roach. "I will not bother with this Manny Pacquiao. Manny does not hate anyone, but I do hate these guys. "
Pacquiao said he had not seen the video.

Roach if you plan to make sure they watch Margarito when you are bandaged hands after Saturday's fight.

"I'll be watching. I asked the Texas athletic commission that a person in my group is in their costumes from beginning to end, and they can do the same with me, "said Roach, who said his request was granted." Do not trust them. He will do whatever it takes to win, as it has done before. It is a cheat. "

It will be the second fight Pacquao at Cowboys Stadium, grandstand whose more than 50,000 spectators attend. It is expected that the public via television, in the form of pay per view, reaching a million people.


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