Alessandra Pocher makes a car thief cut a fine figure

Cologne. In the Cobra "episode" Behind Enemy Lines "(broadcast in the spring of 2011) plays the new wife of Oliver Pocher - until the wedding primarily known as Sandy Meyer-Wölden - The dangerously charming car thief Catherine Meurer.

Catherine had with the stolen car breaks down on the highway - and to their happiness are the heroes of the highway patrol, Semir Gerkhan (Erdogan Atalay) and Ben Hunter (Tom Beck) seemingly by chance just at the right moment pass. She flirts heavily with the two police officers, so this course, the "first aid" and are happy to make the chic Mercedes SL Gullwing barely afloat again. races away Only when Catherine, the two hear the message by radio that the car was stolen valuable. The chase begins ... Wow, how exciting!
Alessandra, you yourself had so much on the action day of shooting pleasure - it was as you expected?
To be honest, I was able to give me an exact idea of what looks like an action day of shooting accurately. All processes are designed in every detail and nothing is left to chance. Nevertheless, unforeseen things can always happen. In my case, for example, my car has given up the ghost at the end of my scene. This has brought the entire shooting schedule mixed up and the team have to plan again.
The action shooting day was definitely a special experience and a lot of fun.

In the movie, so you drive a fancy Gullwing - You also have private penchant for fast cars?
Cars are no special passion with, but of course fast cars make a lot of fun.

In your role as a car thief You were shot dead - how did you feel it? Happened so not every day that someone sets up a weapon at a ...
That's right. It was definitely a weird feeling, but with the help of the team I have admitted fully to the role and it was no problem for me.

Many actors say that it is very difficult, as the "corpse" to keep the face and yet not a bit with the eyelid or the corner of her mouth twitch. Has worked well for you?
The director was very pleased with myself. I believe him a try.
Overall - what is more demanding: Day in the action film acting one - model - Designer Jewelry - his mother?
You can not compare them. The three things have one common: they all make a lot of fun.

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