Lindsay Lohan avoids jail again

Lindsay Lohan will not be going behind bars again, but it will be in rehabilitation until the holidays. Judge Elden Fox of the Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday just to save her from jail, but instead ordered the girl problems remain in treatment until 3 January. The judge was determining if Lohan had violated his parole in September when he admitted taking cocaine and Adderall and failing his drug test.

According to TMZ, Lohan returned to rehab on Friday evening or Saturday morning, and must return to court for another hearing on February 25, 2011. And he was crying at the end of his sentence today, but all the time he had seen to smile.

Lindsay came to court at 8 am on Friday with his lawyer and his mother aside. Just hours before, left the facility where you are living and rehabilitating in southern California, to prepare for trial. He has been there since late September.

On September 24, was refused bail and Lindsay was taken into custody after failing her drug testing. The judge sent him to prison without hearing arguments from the team of the actress, but hours later he got another judge who turned the conviction and the star could go free on bail.

This is the fifth time he has to go to court since May; all resulting from an incident in 2007 when he was arrested driving while intoxicated. Had already been put in prison, but served 22 days of the 90 whom he had been sentenced, and 90 days should also be in rehab, also served a reduced sentence of 14 days.

However, upon returning to drugs, requiring again in court, and now will be until the end of the year again locked ... at least not in prison, but trying to recover in rehab.

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