George Leonard and Carmela Gualtieri have sex three times a day

George Leonard and Carmela Gualtieri have sex three times a day (and want to get married):

"Carmela has given me more love than any other woman and not sees me as a character, but as a man."
Wow, that sentence epic! A decision was George Leonard - "unforgettable" competitor of the Big Brother 10 - and of course the object is in Carmela Carmela Gualtieri , the links of tele-adventure in which George continues to be going steady.

The relationship between the two, more solid than ever, may soon culminate in marriage, though the two say in unison that Eva Month "for now we live together and it is as if we were married."

Ah, could not fail to miss a story concerning the inseparable lovebirds: it seems to have sex three times a day. Are you envious? ...

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