Natalia Streignard presumed pregnancy in bikini

Two months after becoming a mother for the first time, and Natalia looks Streignard Fine arguably has a belly model and sees more than happy.

Accompanied by her husband, an Italian-Venezuelan businessman Donato Calandriello, the couple will enjoy this much desired pregnancy and also given their time to do water exercise at the beach, and the couple settled in Miami to await baby.

Although a bit away from the screen, at least until the baby is born, Naty leverages its social networking site Twitter to keep in touch with their fans and show off their beautiful tummy step that accompanies a model worthy of a great body.

Although the couple still prefer to keep secret the sex of the baby they expect, they let you know Natalia boy if you would like to call his father, Jacques.

Even it is possible that it meets the desire that his son is born the same day the grandfather and his father is serving on January 1 and until the date of birth of their first baby would be on 5 January.

While that date arrives as expected, Naty is dedicated to pampering, rest, exercise, eat healthily and invite all your family in Venezuela to accompany her so they arrive one at a Snuggle in this special moment.

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