"Super Talent" with lots of hot guys and the brother of Menowin

Cologne. On Saturday evening as the Trash-talent show 'The Super talent' in a new round. Included is this time, Robert Froehlich, one of the many brothers of American Idol vice Menowin. Actually, had stopped at a station before to send the presentation does not even, but apparently changed her mind after all. The Singing Robert Froehlich occurs with his friend Sinan Aydin, who is responsible for the so-called Beat Boxing. Helps unfortunately not...

The 31-year-old Jesse Fischer ("All women want only one thing"), who tried unsuccessfully already in the final season as a stripper lance dancer, enters this year again.
This time he wants the jury to Sylvie van der Vaart, Bruce Darnell and Dieter Bohlen gaaaaanz surprise with something new....
With the possibility of real cute 23 year old break dancer and
acrobat Marc Eggers who does have long been under the stage name McFly anatomical wonder.

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