Octopus oracle Paul is dead - mourning atmosphere in the aquarium!

Even an octopus can not live forever. The most famous inhabitants of the Sea Life Oberhausen Auariums died the previous night. Fowler says he has oracle Paul WM-wonder done that and games correctly predicted all. This year's World Cup winner hm ... who was that again? I verdant hobs - Google Google - Ah Spain! Just the Spaniards have made Kraken oracle oracle and even to honor the Chinese were even to make a film with him. But we have our Paul not be given out. Nevertheless, we must now say goodbye to him, because even such a prominent cult octopus can not live forever, unfortunately.

This morning, Paul was found dead in his aquarium. He died a very peaceful and natural death. In the next few days he will be cremated, to keep the memory of his life's work in the form of a ballot box maintained for posterity. The Pottschalk sends his blessings are sent directly to the octopus-sky. May he now rest in peace7?

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